
What is Trigenics®?

Trigenics® is what really sets us apart from the rest of the pack.

Trigenics® is a non-manipulative muscle reprogramming system which resets the brain and the way it communicates with the body to instantly decrease pain while increasing strength and flexibility. This procedure involves applying three treatment techniques at the same time for a cumulative therapeutic effect, which is much greater than if you only receive one.

Trigenics® combines resisted exercise neurology with muscle-sensor manupulation and biofeedback concentrative breathing to trick the brain into changing the way it signals the muscles and body.

In essence, Trigenics® procedures identify muscles that are too short and muscles that are weak.

Unlike the traditional approach to strengthening weak muscles and stretching short muscles, concepts in the field of neurology are employed to stimulate various brain centers to instantly cause strength to return and muscles to relax and lengthen. Rather than these positive improvements being short lived, they are analogous to receiving a software update and are permanent!

Trigenics® can treat both chronic and acute conditions including arthritic knee pain, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, neck, back, plantar fasciitis and more. Even if you have gone thru physical therapy, massage therapy, traditional chiropractic care and/or acupuncture with little to no results, we can still help. Most of the conditions that we treat we will know if it can help in 1-2 visits or we do not accept you for care. saving you time and money. Call now to schedule your comprehensive exam so you can get back to life.