Plantar Fasciitis

Don’t Let Foot Pain Keep You From Doing What You Love

If you currently have foot pain or Plantar Fasciitis, you know how it can totally interfere with your life.

The problem with most solutions to foot pain is the solutions is solely focused on the foot itself. Sometimes, yes, the problem is located in the foot. If this is the case and treatment is directed at the foot itself and pain goes away then the problem was in the foot.

Alternatively, if you have tried multiple treatments for your foot pain, plantar fasciitis or achilles tendon pain unsuccessfully, you likely have a problem stemming from somewhere else in the body.

A common area that can cause foot pain is a problem in your lower back. The nerves that allow you to control and feel your feet come from your lower back, specifically a branch off the sciatic nerve. If you have any abnormal function or damage to your lower back this could be causing foot pain or adding to a problem in the foot. Chronic foot pain patients who have successfully conquered their foot pain have had multiple underlying causes.

Once the impediments to healing foot pain are identified and handled with our multi-modal treatment approach, success is achieved.

Call Now To Schedule An Evaluation and Get Back To Life!

(231) 947-9056