Chiropractic Services
At Centre Ice Chiropractic, you will receive treatment well past traditional chiropractic care.
Our doctors specialized training allows them to deal with difficult cases from acute to chronic pain in the low back, neck, knees, shoulders, feet and more.
Even if you have tried Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care with little to no results. Let us show you the difference our treatment systems can make. Call now and let us help you get back into life.
Everyone is different and everyone is treated to their specific needs. All procedures are explained in advance and you will always be given several different options for treatment. So you can choose as much or as little care as you feel comfortable with.
What To Expect On Your First Visit
Intake forms
Thorough Neuro-Muscular exam
Same day treatment
Options for care explained
We will let you know:
What we find
If we can help
How long it should take
How much it will cost
Services We Offer
Same day treatment
Individualized care for your specific needs
Instrument adjusting for those who don’t like the “twisting and popping”
Stretching and exercise programs
Nutrition advise
State of the art therapies
Common Conditions We Treat
Neck pain
Lower Back pain
Sciatic pain
Leg pain
Pain asscociated with pregnancy
Pinched nerves
Shoulder pain
Knee and hip pain
Foot pain
Carpal tunnel
Plantar fascitis
Advanced Chiropractic Treatment
Our experienced doctors are able to handle most cases from acute pain that has been there for a couple days to chronic complicated issues that have been evident for years.
So whether you are looking for traditional chiropractic treatments from skilled physicians or the most advanced treatment options well beyond typical chiropractic care, we are able to help.
Our doctors and staff have undergone extensive study and hands on training that allows us to handle the most complicated chronic cases. Even when other therapies have given little to no benefit. The main approach used is based around Functional Neurology.
This involves making sure that the brain and body are working together. Dr. Jasman and Dr. Moran have completed study at the American Functional Neurology Institute as well as study of a system called Trigenics.
These treatment options most often work when other treatments haven’t because they allow the brain to communicate with the whole body. Many times after injuries this communication is scrambled so the brain is literally sending wrong signals to the body so it cannot work correctly. If the body is getting the wrong signals then it cannot work properly causing decreased range of motion (frozen shoulder), pain, weakness, decreased blood flow and more. This is where other treatment systems fail.
If you are trying to strengthen the muscles around a joint or realigning the joint without the proper signals, many times these efforts will not work due to the imbalance of the muscles getting the wrong messages.
Muscles work in tandem with other muscles so when one muscle contracts another muscle must relax for the joint to move. When the signals to these muscles are scrambled you can have a muscle that will not relax thus not allowing the joint to move correctly.
Our treatment systems and state of the art therapies reconnect this communication so you get permanent results quickly. In fact with our knee and shoulder protocol we know if we can help you within two visits or we don’t take your case.
With our variety of techniques available, we are able to treat everyone – from infants to elderly – in a safe, gentle, and effective manner.